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Transaction Matching Rules

If you have transactions that reoccur on a regular basis, then you may enjoy REI Hub's Rules feature. Read more for REI Hub best practices!

Em Carlisle avatar
Written by Em Carlisle
Updated this week

If you have transactions that reoccur, then you may enjoy REI Hub's Rules feature. Rules help the system recognize newly imported transactions by matching to either description-only or the exact amount of the transaction with a description and then assigning the property and accounts you have specified.

Some important things to know:

  • Rules are currently available for Revenue, Expense, Fixed Asset Purchase, Splitting Transactions, Ignoring, and Transfer Between Accounts transactions. You can also automate splitting transactions with rules. Other transaction types may be supported in the future.

    • Credit Card Payments and Owner Contributions/ Distributions are specific types of Transfer Between Accounts transactions. If desired, you can automate these transactions using Transfer Between Accounts rules.

  • You can optionally ask the system to automatically book transactions that match your rule. If you do so, all existing/past and future matches in your import feed will automatically be booked on your behalf. With this in mind, make sure your rule is specific enough!

To Add a New Rule From an Imported Transaction

1) Navigate to the Import Feed and click Book on an imported transaction

  • Find the import feed under the Transactions header of the left-hand side menu or from the bank account's black 'View All' button.

  • After clicking Book, fill out the property and relevant accounts as appropriate.

2) Select the transaction type and enter the details of the transaction

3) Check the box at the bottom to 'Create rule after saving' and hit save

4) Choose how you want the rule to match

  • Select whether you want the rule to apply to one bank account or across all accounts.

  • Review the included 'Description Containing' field

    • Choose part or all of the description of the imported transaction to base your match on. Make sure your choice, such as a business name or account number, will always be the same. Part or all should exactly match the descriptions in the import feed we get from the bank.

  • Check the box to match by amount as well

    • This amount must be the same to-the-penny every single time for the rule to automatically book it.

    • The REI Hub system will look for future transactions of the same description and amount to offer this rule as a match.

    • If the transaction is an amount that varies depending on usage, like an electricity charge, then only match by description.

5) Check the Booked Details

  • The Booked column will show a little lightning bolt in a circle to indicate that transaction has been booked by a rule.

6) Visit the Rules page to add, view, edit, or delete rules

  • Navigate to the Import Feed and click Rules at the top.

  • Click on the blue part of the description to edit or delete the rule. Click the Add Rule button to add a rule without going through the import feed.

Still have questions? Reach out to our Support Team via email at [email protected] or call us at (888)939-6865.



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