The None Assigned column appears in REI Hub's "By Sub-Portfolio," "By Property," and "By Unit" reports. It shows any booked transaction that was not applied to one specific unit, property, sub-portfolio (depending on the report you are viewing). The None Assigned column is most relevant for overhead transactions that help you run your whole business.
By default, REI Hub's reporting is structured on a tiered basis, going down from Portfolio > Sub-Portfolio (if enabled) > Property > Unit.
Portfolio-level transactions are best suited for transactions that apply to all of your properties shown in the portfolio. This is common for overhead transactions, like software subscriptions or CPA fees. The transaction is held at the portfolio level of your account but can be prorated down to the individual property at tax time.
The sub-portfolio scope makes it easy and convenient to pull reports based on groups of properties. After sub-portfolios have been enabled and created, you can also book expense transactions directly to the sub-portfolio. This is appropriate when expenses apply to the entire sub-portfolio in aggregate but not to an individual property (such as LLC fees).
When looking at the "By Unit" reports, the None Assigned column refers to the transactions that weren't applied to one unit specifically but rather included all units for the total property.
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