Vendor Tracking

The Vendors feature allows users to track payments by service provider.  Name, email, phone number, address, and tax identification number can all be recorded with the Vendor.  In addition to property and expense categories, using Vendors can provide additional insight into your rental property expenses.

The Vendors feature is disabled by default, and needs to be turned on to track Vendors.

To Add Vendors to REI Hub

1) Navigate to Portfolio Settings in the right side menu.

2) Toggle 'Enable Vendor Tracking' to Yes.  Click Update Settings. 

3) Access the Vendors page under Organization, and click Add Vendor:

5) Enter at least a Vendor Name.

6) Select the Vendor from the drop down menu when booking expenses manually or from the Import Feed

7) Click on the Vendors name to see all of the transactions tagged to them

8) Access the Expenses by Vendor report to view totals

9) Contact us with any questions!

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