The REI Hub system now allows you to book multiple transactions at one time from the Import Feed. This is a convenient way to speed up your bookkeeping, especially when setting up the system or catching up on months of transactions.
Batch booking is only available for Revenues, Expenses, Transfers, Fixed Asset Purchases, Ignoring, Deleting, and Undoing transactions. Over time, this feature will expand to support additional transaction types and actions.
When batch booking, you'll want to make sure all the transactions will go to the same account and property scope.
Revenues, Expenses, Transfers, and Fixed Asset Purchases all need to go to the same transaction scope and account.
For example, batch book all 12 landscape expenses to the same property.
In the case of transfers between accounts, the two accounts would need to be the same transferred from and transferred to accounts.
Ignoring a transaction removes it from unbooked status and leaves it in your import feed, but it does not create a booked transaction and, therefore, is not included in your records or reports.
Undoing a transaction that has already been booked will revert it back to unbooked status and remove the booked transaction.
Deleting an unbooked imported transaction will remove it entirely from your import feed; you would need to re-add the transaction manually if you need to book it in the future.
The current status of the transaction determines what batch-booking actions you can take. For example, you can't 'Undo' a transaction that hasn't been booked yet or 'Book Expense' on a transaction where cash is coming into your account.
Top Tip: Batch booking works best when going through individual bank accounts!
To Book Multiple Transactions at One Time
1) Navigate to the Import Feed and click the checkboxes next to the transactions
Check the box to the left of the transaction you wish to book or modify.
Check the box at the top of the transaction list (to the left of 'Date') to select all transactions on the page.
2) Choose your desired action from the 'Batch Option' dropdown and click Book
3) Enter the details of the transaction and click Book
Select the property scope, property to which the transactions belong, and which account you'd like it to be tagged to.
These details will be dynamic based on the transaction type you choose.
4) View your updated transactions in the import feed
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