Adding a Linked Account

Linking a bank account is a powerful and convenient way to save time and eliminate manual data entry.  REI Hub is able to receive a read-only transaction feed that is presented in the 'Import Feed' tab for your categorization and approval before they are 'booked' and become a part of your official records.

REI Hub integrates with third-party Data Providers to securely connect to your financial institution.  At this time, we integrate with two different Data Providers, Plaid and Yodlee.  Both are large companies with great reputations and relationships with thousands of nationwide banks and lenders.  In the process of linking your account, the Data Provider will ask for your username and password to authorize the connection with your bank. REI Hub never has access to these credentials and takes your privacy and security very seriously. 
We integrate with two different Data Providers so that we can provide support for as many financial institutions as possible.  However, even with two providers we can't connect with every bank.  If your institution is not supported by either Data Provider, don't worry.  You can still set up a Manual Account, and even upload transactions to populate the import feed.  

To link a bank account:

1) Navigate to the Banking page

First, click on Accounts on the left side menu. Then select Banking from the sub-menu that appears.

2) Click the 'Add Accounts' Button 

3) Select 'Import a Linked Account' 

4) Select your Transaction Import Start Date

5) Select your Data Provider

REI Hub integrates with two different Data Providers so that we may support the broadest possible range of financial institutions.  Plaid is the default and recommended option because they are typically able to import a longer transaction history (up to a year).  Yodlee imports are typically limited to 90 days.
Select a Data Provider, and click Start Import.  You will be transferred to the Data Provider's secure servers, where you will need to agree to their Terms of Service and Privacy Policies.  Click Agree or Continue to go on to the next step of finding your financial institution.  

6) Select or search for your bank or financial institution

Note that one bank may have multiple entries on the list.  Select the one that is most appropriate for the account type you are trying to link.
If your bank is not available, return to step 3, and select Yodlee instead of Plaid.

7) Securely enter your banking credentials and follow the prompts

Depending on your bank's access settings, you may need to enter additional information, such as a Two Factor Authentication code or answering a security question. REI Hub never has access to your bank credentials or log-in information. 

Select the accounts you want to be linked to REI Hub, and complete the process. 

Depending on the bank, it may take 5-15 minutes for the initial transaction import to complete. 

8) View your accounts, access the import feed from the Banking page

Click on the name of the account to view the account register page. Click on View All to see the account's import feed. 

Click here for more information on booking imported transactions

9) Contact us with any questions!

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